Closing Session: Accessible Transit – Thirty-four Years After the American’s with Disabilities Act

Recorded On: 05/01/2024

Since its enactment in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act has increased access and opportunity for persons with disabilities across community life.  ADA Paratransit was created as a “safety net” for people with disabilities who couldn’t use fixed-route due to disability.   This was at a time when fixed-route service was far less accessible than it is today.   Even with the huge progress in the accessibility of bus and rail systems, not everyone with a disability can use ADA accessible fixed-route services.  Compared with 34 years ago, persons with disabilities have far higher expectations of themselves, and society views disability far more inclusively today than in 1990.   Panelists will take a fresh look at accessible transit in the context of mature fixed-route systems and a more modern view of accessibility.


  • Christopher Pangilinan, Vice President, Paratransit, MTA New York City Transit


  • Eileen Collins, Director, Accessible Transportation Programs, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet)
  • Ron Brooks, Senior Director, Policy & Stakeholder Engagement, UZURV
  • Kelly Buckland, Disability Policy Advisor, United States Department of Transportation
  • Jan Campbell, Board Member, Disability Rights Oregon; and Chair, TriMet Committee on Accessible Transportation (CAT)

Closing Remarks:

  • Paul P. Skoutelas, President and CEO, American Public Transportation Association


Accessible Transit – Thirty-four Years After the American’s with Disabilities Act
Recorded 05/01/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 05/01/2024  |  60 minutes