FutureView: 2020 Election Outcomes: Transit Impacts at the Federal, State, and Local Levels

Recorded On: 11/05/2020


Public transportation advocates and practitioners are watching the November 3 elections closely for a number of key reasons. The presidential election, makeup of the United States House of Representatives and Senate, and which party will be in the majority are at stake. The outcome will directly affect the public transportation agenda in the critical years ahead. At the local level, voters will decide on several high-profile transit ballot measures and the community investments they will bring. Speakers will report up-to-the-minute information in all areas, key campaign messages, and the specific implications on public transportation. 

Moderator: Nuria I Fernandez, Chair APTA, and General Manager / CEO, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, San Jose, CA

Federal Elections and the Implications for Public Transportation

  • The Honorable Phil English, Arent Fox LLP and former Member, U.S. House of  Representatives (1995-2009)
  • Ward McCarragher, Vice President, Government Affairs and Advocacy, APTA

Local Transit Ballot Measures: Campaigns and Outcomes

  • Josh Cohen, Campaign Director, APTA Center for Transportation Excellence

Panel Discussion with leaders of 2020 transit campaigns:

  • The Honorable Steve Adler, Mayor, City of Austin, Austin, TX
  • The Honorable Ron Nirenberg, Mayor, City of San Antonio, San Antonio, TX (invited)
  • The Honorable Lynn Peterson, President, Metro Council, Portland, OR 


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