Transit Impacts on Gentrification – Where Do the People Go? (Leadership APTA)

Gentrification is occurring in cities throughout the United States as cities continue to develop and change. As a result of the changing landscape, in many cases, people of lower socio-economic status are forced out of the downtown core because they can no longer afford to live there. Our team will examine where displaced populations relocate, and the role of transportation infrastructure investment in gentrification and displacement. The goal is to find out how transit responds to the geographically changing needs of the community and what options are made available to them. We will identify effective policies and strategies that transit agencies can implement to mitigate or address these effects and support the needs of those being displaced.

Project Team:

  • Dyanne Sampson (Co-coordinator) VIA Metropolitan Transit
  • Nicole McCleary (Co-coordinator) TransPro Consulting
  • Shannon Lee Bailey(Miovision)
  • Alvin Burns (Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority)


Transit Impacts on Gentrification
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Executive Summary
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Presentation Slides
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