Grade Crossing Safety and Right of Way Worker Protection: Best Practices & Lessons Learned

Recorded On: 06/09/2021


During this session we will learn about transit rail grade crossing issues and how they were dealt with in Illinois by the Illinois DOT, including signage, gates, lights, pavement markings, and sidewalk treatments as well as policies and procedures. Further, hear from an APTA Business Member regarding Right of Way worker protection technologies, including those that protect at rail grade crossings. IL DOT and Protran will discuss best practices and lessons learned and there will be time for Q&A at the end.


  • Lou Brown, Senior Engineering Manager, Jacobs
  • Josh Katz, Chief Safety Regulations Manager, Illinois Department of Transportation
  • Jaime Maguire, Director, Safety Solutions Division, Protran

This session is part of the full 2021 APTA-UITP Rail Conference Virtual Event available in APTAU Learning.


Grade Crossing Safety and Right of Way Worker Protection: Best Practices & Lessons Learned
Recorded 06/09/2021
Recorded 06/09/2021